[ใหม่] Buy Price Cheap Exerpeutic Folding Magnetic Upright Bike with Pulse

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The Exerpeutic 250XL Folding Magnetic Upright Bike with Pulse will fold up and roll away when you are finished exercising. It is also designed to support up to a weight capacity of 300 lbs. Features like the “high torque” 3 piece crank system, magnetic resistance ,heart pulse monitoring and a “double drive”
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transmission system are all included for a very affordable price. UNIQUE DESIGN: Very easy to get off and on the bike, providing a more a more effective and comfortable workout WEIGHT CAPACITY: Up to 300 lbs LEG STABILIZERS: Extended to prevent any movement or tipping when exercising SPACE SAVER DESIGN: Folds for storage and can moved with the included transportation wheels TENSION RESISTANCE:
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An 8 level Magnetic Tension control system, allows the user to adjust the tension level for an easier or more difficult workout. COMPUTER: An easy to read large window (3.3”Wx 1.5”H) LCD display that indicates distance, calories burned, time, speed, scan and heart rate monitor. HEART RATE: Hand Pulse Monitor CRANK SYSTEM: 3 piece “high torque” cranking system provides a smooth and consistent pedaling motion QUIETNESS: The precision balanced flywheel and V- belt drive provide a smooth and quiet operation. It will not interfere with watching TV or listening to music. ASSEMBLY: Some assembly required SAFETTY: Larger pedal design with safety strap prevents any foot slippage when exercising SEATING COMFORT: Large seat cushion for people of any size, easily adjustable to fit anywhere from 5’3” to 6’3” users. FOLDING CAPABILITY: The bike will fold to at least ½ the size as when fully assembled, so it is uniquely compact. PRODUCT SET UP DIMENSIONS: 31”L x 19”W x 46”H FOLDED DIMENSIONS: PRODUCT WEIGHT: 39lbs ORIGIN: China