[ใหม่] FIT-048 บาร์โหนติดผนังกำแพงรุ่นแกนบาร์แบบชิ้นเดียว Chin Up Bar ฟิตเนส กีฬา เพิ่มกล้ามเนื้อ
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- ชลบุรี - บางละมุง - คนดู 55
บาร์โหนติดผนังกำแพงรุ่นแกนบาร์แบบชิ้นเดียว Chin Up Bar ฟิตเนส กีฬา เพิ่มกล้ามเนื้อ
แข็งแรง ทนทาน แกนบาร์แบบชิ้นเดียว เพื่อเพิ่มความคงทนให้มากขึ้น สามารถรับน้ำหนักได้มากยิ่งขึ้น
การเล่นแบบนี้สามารถช่วยเพิ่มความแข็งแรงของกล้ามเนื้อได้หลายส่วน อาทิเช่นหน้าอกกล้ามเนื้อด้านหลัง,ปีกหลัง,หลังแขน, หน้าแขน, และ หน้าท้อง Six Packs ด้วยที่จับมีหลายแบบ สามารถจับด้านกว้าง(Wide Grip), จับแคบ(Narrow Grip), จับแบบขนานทั้งแบบกว้างและแคบ(Wide/Narrow Parallel Grip), จับแบบคว่ำมือ(Pull Up), จับแบบหงายมือ(Chin Up) และแบบอื่นๆอีกมากมาย แล้วแต่ท่านจะเล่นท่าแบบไหนค่ะ
Tuesday Training: Why Everyone Should Be Able To Do A Pullup & Pullup Training for Beginners To Advanced Athletes
Most women in general lack upper body strength and cannot lift their body weight by their arms. A lot of basic movements require upper body strength and if you don’t have it, you put yourself at risk for a lot of different injuries. That’s why I think every single person should be able to do at least one pullup. Not to mention, pullups release a ton of hormones necessary for fat loss and muscle building. So practicing them will help you lose the fat and give you arms, an upper back, and a nice core to make anyone jealous.
Being able to do a pullup is kind of like the benchmark for true strength. I’ll always remember the first time I did my first complete deadhang pullup. It gave me so much confidence and I felt like I was ready to take on the incredible hulk. Now I’m in the double digits for deadhang pullups and can crank out more pullups at one time than most guys I know. But that’s only after a lot of time and practice on my trusty pullup bar. I think most people tend to avoid practicing pullups because they are so difficult to do and it’s not so fun practicing something you suck at.
I hear a lot, especially from women, “I wish I could do a pullup.” Well stop wishing and get to practicing and you’ll be able to do one! I can guarantee that you will never be able to do one if you don’t practice, but on the flip side, it’s easy to do at least one with proper practice. I’m going to give you the tools it takes to practice your pull ups and in a few weeks, you’ll be able to do one. So let’s get to work.
And if you can already crank out some pullups, but can never seem to break your current record, keep reading. I have tips to help break past the plateau for you, too. Some people, including myself have doubled their personal best pullup number by this method, so you’ll definitely want to try it!
*Here is the pull up bar I have and I love it. I did have a door frame one, but I must have been doing too many pullups because it broke my door frame! Not cool. But, I absolutely love and recommend this heavy duty wall mounted one that screws into wall studs:
Ultimate Body Press Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar
If you can’t do a pullup yet, start here:
Incorporate these in your workouts 3 times a week. Master the 1st step before moving on.
Step 1:
Flex hangs – once you can hold 3 sets for 20 seconds, it’s time to try step 2.
Step 2:
Negative Pullups – When you can complete a 30 second super slow negative pullup, it’s time to move onto the next step.
Step 3:
Pullups – you might need a leg boost from a friend at first, but try one pullup. Rest one minute. Try again. When that becomes too easy, lose the boost and rest and add some reps. CONGRATS on your first deadhang pullup!!!
*One of the tips that really helps me when I do pullups: imagine that you’re pulling the bar to your chest, instead of your chest to the bar.
Stand on a sturdy bench or chair so that your chin is right above a pullup bar. Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Take your feet off the bench or chair and bend your knees. Hold for as long as you can. Rest for a minute or two and try again. Repeat for a total of 3 times. At first, you may only be able to hold it for a few seconds. That’s ok! Just keep working on it and I promise you will eventually be able to hold it for 20 seconds. Once you can hold 3 sets for 20 seconds, it’s time to move on to step 2.
With a bench or chair beneath you, get into the flexed arm position as pictured above. SLOWLY, lower yourself down as slow as you can until your arms are straight. Try to lower yourself down at the same rate of speed throughout the entire way down. Rest for a minute and try again. Repeat 3 times. Once you can complete a 30 second negative pullup, you are most likely ready to do a full pullup!
From a dead hang, try to do one pullup. If you cannot do it, you may at first need a friend to help boost your legs. Rest for a minute and try again. Repeat 3 times. Once you get better, lose the boost and the rest. You can keep challenging yourself by adding more reps.
If you can already do pullups, but are stuck at a plateau, start here.This is one of the methods that is used by the Navy Seals and other members of military. It is extremely effective at helping you max past your current personal best. In just two weeks, you will most likely break your current record by 7-10 pullups!
Here’s the deal:
For 10 days in a row, we will do pullup training.
On the even number days:
Incorporate 25 pullups (if you can do more than 5 pullups in a row, you must change this number to 50 pullups) however way you can in your current workouts. This could mean do a few at a time, rest a minute, do a few more, etc. You can do them before your current workout or after or in the workout. It really doesn’t matter – just fit them in somehow.
On the odd number days follow this super-set workout:
Pullups – your max
Pushups – 20
Dips – 5 to 10
Abs of choice – 30
Repeat 10 x
For 10 days in a row follow this regimen. Then completely rest from doing any type of pullup (no lat pull-downs, rows, bicep curls, either) for 3-4 days. Then test yourself to see how many you can do in a row on the 14th or 15th day. And let me know your progress by leaving a comment down below – I love hearing progress stories! I doubled my personal best following this method and was super pumped!
A tip for everyone to incorporate pullup training in your workouts:
During most of my strength workouts, I like to include some type of pullup training. Incorporating jump pullups for 30 – 60 seconds in my circuit workouts is one of my favorite ways to work on my pullup muscles. For example, instead of doing the jumping jacks in this workout, I’ll do jump pullups instead. It will really get your heart rate up and be extra challenging so you will blast fat and calories big time. And you will be working and strengthening all the muscles needed for pullups at the same time.
Get in a pullup position and explosively jump while trying to get your chin over the bar. Use a platform or bench if necessary.
น้ำหนักสินค้า 5.7 โล
เบอร์ 062-4198894,081-8429490
gmail: newfuture.hb@gmail.com
page ร้าน http://newfuture.lnwshop.com/category
แข็งแรง ทนทาน แกนบาร์แบบชิ้นเดียว เพื่อเพิ่มความคงทนให้มากขึ้น สามารถรับน้ำหนักได้มากยิ่งขึ้น
การเล่นแบบนี้สามารถช่วยเพิ่มความแข็งแรงของกล้ามเนื้อได้หลายส่วน อาทิเช่นหน้าอกกล้ามเนื้อด้านหลัง,ปีกหลัง,หลังแขน, หน้าแขน, และ หน้าท้อง Six Packs ด้วยที่จับมีหลายแบบ สามารถจับด้านกว้าง(Wide Grip), จับแคบ(Narrow Grip), จับแบบขนานทั้งแบบกว้างและแคบ(Wide/Narrow Parallel Grip), จับแบบคว่ำมือ(Pull Up), จับแบบหงายมือ(Chin Up) และแบบอื่นๆอีกมากมาย แล้วแต่ท่านจะเล่นท่าแบบไหนค่ะ
Tuesday Training: Why Everyone Should Be Able To Do A Pullup & Pullup Training for Beginners To Advanced Athletes
Most women in general lack upper body strength and cannot lift their body weight by their arms. A lot of basic movements require upper body strength and if you don’t have it, you put yourself at risk for a lot of different injuries. That’s why I think every single person should be able to do at least one pullup. Not to mention, pullups release a ton of hormones necessary for fat loss and muscle building. So practicing them will help you lose the fat and give you arms, an upper back, and a nice core to make anyone jealous.
Being able to do a pullup is kind of like the benchmark for true strength. I’ll always remember the first time I did my first complete deadhang pullup. It gave me so much confidence and I felt like I was ready to take on the incredible hulk. Now I’m in the double digits for deadhang pullups and can crank out more pullups at one time than most guys I know. But that’s only after a lot of time and practice on my trusty pullup bar. I think most people tend to avoid practicing pullups because they are so difficult to do and it’s not so fun practicing something you suck at.
I hear a lot, especially from women, “I wish I could do a pullup.” Well stop wishing and get to practicing and you’ll be able to do one! I can guarantee that you will never be able to do one if you don’t practice, but on the flip side, it’s easy to do at least one with proper practice. I’m going to give you the tools it takes to practice your pull ups and in a few weeks, you’ll be able to do one. So let’s get to work.
And if you can already crank out some pullups, but can never seem to break your current record, keep reading. I have tips to help break past the plateau for you, too. Some people, including myself have doubled their personal best pullup number by this method, so you’ll definitely want to try it!
*Here is the pull up bar I have and I love it. I did have a door frame one, but I must have been doing too many pullups because it broke my door frame! Not cool. But, I absolutely love and recommend this heavy duty wall mounted one that screws into wall studs:
Ultimate Body Press Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar
If you can’t do a pullup yet, start here:
Incorporate these in your workouts 3 times a week. Master the 1st step before moving on.
Step 1:
Flex hangs – once you can hold 3 sets for 20 seconds, it’s time to try step 2.
Step 2:
Negative Pullups – When you can complete a 30 second super slow negative pullup, it’s time to move onto the next step.
Step 3:
Pullups – you might need a leg boost from a friend at first, but try one pullup. Rest one minute. Try again. When that becomes too easy, lose the boost and rest and add some reps. CONGRATS on your first deadhang pullup!!!
*One of the tips that really helps me when I do pullups: imagine that you’re pulling the bar to your chest, instead of your chest to the bar.
Stand on a sturdy bench or chair so that your chin is right above a pullup bar. Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Take your feet off the bench or chair and bend your knees. Hold for as long as you can. Rest for a minute or two and try again. Repeat for a total of 3 times. At first, you may only be able to hold it for a few seconds. That’s ok! Just keep working on it and I promise you will eventually be able to hold it for 20 seconds. Once you can hold 3 sets for 20 seconds, it’s time to move on to step 2.
With a bench or chair beneath you, get into the flexed arm position as pictured above. SLOWLY, lower yourself down as slow as you can until your arms are straight. Try to lower yourself down at the same rate of speed throughout the entire way down. Rest for a minute and try again. Repeat 3 times. Once you can complete a 30 second negative pullup, you are most likely ready to do a full pullup!
From a dead hang, try to do one pullup. If you cannot do it, you may at first need a friend to help boost your legs. Rest for a minute and try again. Repeat 3 times. Once you get better, lose the boost and the rest. You can keep challenging yourself by adding more reps.
If you can already do pullups, but are stuck at a plateau, start here.This is one of the methods that is used by the Navy Seals and other members of military. It is extremely effective at helping you max past your current personal best. In just two weeks, you will most likely break your current record by 7-10 pullups!
Here’s the deal:
For 10 days in a row, we will do pullup training.
On the even number days:
Incorporate 25 pullups (if you can do more than 5 pullups in a row, you must change this number to 50 pullups) however way you can in your current workouts. This could mean do a few at a time, rest a minute, do a few more, etc. You can do them before your current workout or after or in the workout. It really doesn’t matter – just fit them in somehow.
On the odd number days follow this super-set workout:
Pullups – your max
Pushups – 20
Dips – 5 to 10
Abs of choice – 30
Repeat 10 x
For 10 days in a row follow this regimen. Then completely rest from doing any type of pullup (no lat pull-downs, rows, bicep curls, either) for 3-4 days. Then test yourself to see how many you can do in a row on the 14th or 15th day. And let me know your progress by leaving a comment down below – I love hearing progress stories! I doubled my personal best following this method and was super pumped!
A tip for everyone to incorporate pullup training in your workouts:
During most of my strength workouts, I like to include some type of pullup training. Incorporating jump pullups for 30 – 60 seconds in my circuit workouts is one of my favorite ways to work on my pullup muscles. For example, instead of doing the jumping jacks in this workout, I’ll do jump pullups instead. It will really get your heart rate up and be extra challenging so you will blast fat and calories big time. And you will be working and strengthening all the muscles needed for pullups at the same time.
Get in a pullup position and explosively jump while trying to get your chin over the bar. Use a platform or bench if necessary.
น้ำหนักสินค้า 5.7 โล
เบอร์ 062-4198894,081-8429490
gmail: newfuture.hb@gmail.com
page ร้าน http://newfuture.lnwshop.com/category