[มือสอง] รับฝึกอบรม Pentaho (In-house training)

703 สัปดาห์ ที่แล้ว - กรุงเทพมหานคร - คนดู 859

รับฝึกอบรม Pentaho รายละเอียดตามนี้ครับ
Pentaho Training Course Outline

1st day
9.00-12.00 Installation and Configuration
- Installing and Configuring Java
- Installing Pentaho
- Change repository and sample data database to MySQL
- Configuring Pentaho authentication to AD, LDAP
- Configuring login screen
- Change password to publish content to server
- Change admin password of admin console
- Add database connection in admin console
- Configuring PentahoAuditLog to database
- Set authorization in user console
13.00-17.00 Pentaho Data Integration (ETL)
- Installing Pentaho Data Integration
- Create repository
- Setting database connection (JDBC, JNDI)
- Developing Job and Transformation
o Database to Text
o Text to Database
o Database to Database
o Call Web Service
o Database Lookup
o Calculation
o Row De-normalize
- Using Global Parameter
- Initial Investigate Log
- Import/Export ETL Job
- Setting ETL schedule
2st day
9.00-12.00 Pentaho Meta Data Editor (Adhoc Query)
- Installing Meta Data Editor
- Setting database connection (JDBC, JNDI)
- Create Adhoc Reporting Templates
- Developing Meta Data Editor
o Domain
o Physical Table & Column
o Business Model
o Business Table & Column
o Business Relationship
o Business Category
o Business View
o Property
o Concept
o Security
13.00-17.00 Pentaho Report Designer (Reporting)
- Installing Pentaho Report Designer
- Setting database connection (JDBC, JNDI)
- Developing Pentaho Report Designer
o Report Layout
o Report Templates
o Parameter
o Using Chart
o Aggregations and Calculated Fields
o Sub Report
o Crosstab Report
o Drilldown Report
3st day
9.00-12.00 Pentaho Schema Workbench (Cube)
- Installing Pentaho Schema Workbench
- Setting database connection (JDBC)
- Developing Pentaho Schema Workbench
o Cube & Virtual Cube
o Dimension & Dimension Usage
o Calculate Member
o Security
o Using Chart
13.00-17.00 Pentaho Pentaho Dashboard Editor
- Installing Pentaho Dashboard Editor
- Developing Pentaho Dashboard Editor