[ใหม่] Spring plunger, pressure pin plunger, plungerอ, thread insert, Cup spring

63 สัปดาห์ ที่แล้ว - กรุงเทพมหานคร - เขตบางนา - คนดู 9

1,000 ฿

  • Spring plunger, pressure pin plunger, plungerอ, thread insert, Cup spring รูปที่ 1
  • Spring plunger, pressure pin plunger, plungerอ, thread insert, Cup spring รูปที่ 2
K0317 Spring plungers with hexagon socket and thrust pin, steel

Sleeve steel grade 5.8.
Thrust pin steel. Spring steel wire grade D.

Black oxidised. Thrust pin hardened.

Oeder no. D L
K0317.03 M3 10
K0317.04 M4 15
K0317.05 M5 18
K0317.06 M6 20
K0317.08 M8 22
K0317.10 M10 22
K0317.12 M12 28
K0317.16 M16 32
K0317.20 M20 40
K0317.24 M24 52
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ID Line : bmpcek
ID Line : 0818353359
ID Line : 0819126715
www.bmpc.co.th, sales@bmpc.co.th, bmpcthai@truemail.co.th