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KEYWORD : Potassium Chloride, Potassium Chloride Price, Potassium Chloride Fertilizer, KCL, Muriate of Potash, Potash Fertilizer

PRODUCT NAME : Potassium Chloride
CHEMICAL NAME : Potassium Chloride
CAS NUMBER : 7447-40-7
EC-NUMBER : 231-211-8
SYNONYMS : Potassium Chloride, KCl,
PHYSICAL FORM : White Crystals

Potassium Chloride is the Basic Raw Material for All Inorganic and Organic Potassium Compounds. Our potassium chloride is therefore successfully used by the chemical industry, metal and metal-processing industry, energy industry, glass industry. Your Advantages, our potassium chloride is extremely versatile and offers many advantages. It is a natural product, low in secondary salts and heavy metal contents, fully water soluble, certified in accordance to DIN ISO 9001, consistent and readily available.

Nature of Product: white crystals, occasionally slightly reddish

Chemical Analysis: w typical min. max.

• Potassium chloride (KCl) % 99.1 99.0
• Loss on Ignition % 0.3 0.4
• Loss on Drying (2 h, 105°C) % 0.1 0.2
• Na % 0.2 0.2 0.3
• Br mg/kg 900 450 1,200
• Mg mg/kg 75 20 120
• Ca mg/kg 7 2 20
• SO4 mg/kg 65 40 100
• H2O-Insolubles mg/kg 100 30 100
• Heavy metals as Pb mg/kg 5

Physical Properties:

• Bulk Density ca. 1,100 kg/m³
• Molecular Weight 74.55 g/mol
• Density 1.989 g/cm³
• Melting / Solidification Point 770 °C
• Solubility in water w (KCl) = 25.5 % at 20 °C (68 °F)

• Upon request with an anti-caking agent (the pure product is prone to caking)

• PE bags of 25 kg, big bags, in bulk

Chlor-alkali electrolysis, for the production of chlorine and potassium hydroxide as well as their subsequent products; conversion into other potassium containing salts; electroplating and fusion electrolysis of other metals; dyestuffs; salt fluxes and carburising agents; carrageenan; regeneration agent for ion exchangers; zeolites; synthetic rubber production; liquid fertilisers; glass industry

EXPORTER : Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.
CONTACT INFORMATION : Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.
ADDRESS : 36/1 Moo 9, Nadee, Mueangsamutsakhon, Samutsakhon, Thailand
DEPARTMENT : Export Sales Division
Tel. +6634 496284, +6634 854888
Fax. +6634 496285, +6634 854899
Mobile No. +668 00160016, +668 98554004
Email 1, thaipolychemicals at hotmail.com
Email 2, polychemicals888 at gmail.com
Email 3, info at thaipolychemicals.com

Potassium Chloride 99 % KCl technical industrial
Application Recommendation, whether used as a raw material or as an additive, due to its outstanding properties our potassium chloride is successfully used within many different applications, chlor-alkali-electrolysis, inorganic potassium compounds (potassium nitrate and potassium sulphate), carrageenan, zeolites, paints and pigments, titanium dioxide, electro-galvanization, fire-fighting (as a component of fire extinguishers), winter road maintenance services
enamel and glass industries. Potassium chloride (KCl) is a metal halide salt composed of potassium and chloride. It is odorless and has a white or colorless vitreous crystal appearance. The solid dissolves readily in water and its solutions have a salt-like taste. KCl is used as a fertilizer,[6] in medicine, scientific applications, food processing, and used to cause cardiac arrest as the third drug in the "three drug cocktail" for executions by lethal injection. It occurs naturally as the mineral sylvite and in combination with sodium chloride as sylvinite.

Uses of Potassium Chloride

The majority of the potassium chloride produced is used for making fertilizer, since the growth of many plants is limited by their potassium intake. As a chemical feedstock, it is used for the manufacture of potassium hydroxide and potassium metal. It is also used in medicine, lethal injections, scientific applications, food processing, and as a sodium-free substitute for table salt for persons concerned about the health effects of sodium.

Medical use
main article: Potassium chloride (medical use). Potassium is vital in the human body, and potassium chloride by mouth is the common means to treat low blood potassium, although it can also be given intravenously. It can be used as a salt substitute for food, but due to its weak, bitter, unsalty flavor, it is usually mixed with ordinary table salt (sodium chloride) to improve the taste. The addition of 1 ppm of thaumatin considerably reduces this bitterness. Complaints of bitterness or a chemical or metallic taste are also reported with potassium chloride used in food.

It is sometimes used in water as a completion fluid in petroleum and natural gas operations, as well as being an alternative to sodium chloride in household water softener units. KCl is useful as a beta radiation source for calibration of radiation monitoring equipment, because natural potassium contains 0.0118% of the isotope 40K. One kilogram of KCl yields 16350 becquerels of radiation consisting of 89.28% beta and 10.72% gamma with 1.46083 MeV. Potassium chloride is used in some de-icing products that are designed to be safer for pets and plants, though these are inferior in melting quality to calcium chloride, lowest usable temperature 12 °F (−11 °C) v. −25 °F (−32 °C). It is also used in various brands of bottled water, as well as in bulk quantities for fossil fuel drilling purposes. Potassium chloride was once used as a fire extinguishing agent, used in portable and wheeled fire extinguishers. Known as Super-K dry chemical, it was more effective than sodium bicarbonate-based dry chemicals and was compatible with protein foam. This agent fell out of favor with the introduction of potassium bicarbonate (Purple-K) dry chemical in the late 1960s, which was much less corrosive and more effective. It is rated for B and C fires. Along with sodium chloride and lithium chloride, potassium chloride is used as a flux for the gas welding of aluminium. Potassium chloride is also an optical crystal with a wide transmission range from 210 nm to 20 µm. While cheap, KCl crystal is hygroscopic. This limits its application to protected environments or short-term uses such as prototyping. Exposed to free air, KCl optics will "rot". Whereas KCl components were formerly used for infrared optics, it has been entirely replaced by much tougher crystals such as zinc selenide. Potassium chloride has also been used to produce heat packs which employ exothermic chemical reactions, but these have mostly been discontinued with the advent of cheaper and more efficient methods, such as the oxidation of metals ('Hot Hands' one-time-use products) or the crystallization of sodium acetate (multiple-use products). Potassium chloride is used as a scotophor with designation P10 in dark-trace CRTs, e.g. in the Skiatron.
More information of Potassium Chloride, KCl, please contact Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.