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KEYWORD : Price Barium Sulfate, Barium Sulphate, Barium Sulphate Price, Barium Sulphate Precipitated, Blanc Fixe, Baryte Price

PRODUCT NAME : Barium Sulfate Precipitated, Product of Thailand
CHEMICAL NAME : Barium Sulfate
CAS NUMBER : 7727-43-7
EC NUMBER : 231-784-4
SYNONYMS : Price Barium Sulfate, Barium Sulphate, Barium Sulphate Price, Barium Sulphate Precipitated, Blanc Fixe, Baryte Price, BaSO4, Synthetic Barium Sulphate, Syhthetic Barium Sulfate
PHYSICAL FORM : White Fine Powder
PACKAGING : 25 Kg /bag

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : Precipitated Barium Sulphate
Precipitated Barium Sulphate is a type of functional filler, which is widely utilized as a pigment extender in surface coating materials (called blanc fixe), and in the glass and rubber industries. Barium sulphate is superfine with a low oil absorption threshold, allowing for insulation and the prevention of agglomeration and flocculation, ultimately providing the benefit of improved pigmentation efficiency.

The benefits Precipitated Barium Sulphate provide are:
Improved pigmentation efficiency
Facilitation of stable and controlled coating systems
Improved color intensity
No impact on luster

Purity of BaSO4 : 98 %min
Whiteness : 98 %min
Mean Particle Size d50 : 0.72 micron max
Top Cut Particle Size d97 : 1.2 micron max

MANUFACTURER : Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.
EXPORTER : Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.
CONTACT INFORMATION : Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.
ADDRESS : 36/1 Moo 9, Nadee, Mueangsamutsakhon, Samutsakhon, Thailand
DEPARTMENT : Export Sales Division
Tel. +6634 496284, +6634 854888
Fax. +6634 496285, +6634 854899
Mobile No. +668 00160016, +668 98554004
Email 1, thaipolychemicals at hotmail.com
Email 2, polychemicals888 at gmail.com
Email 3, info at thaipolychemicals.com

Applications: Precipitated Barium Sulpahte
Applications: In the application of powder coating, painting, painting ink, rubber, accumulators, ceramics, plastics, copper plate paper, heat resistant hospital and welding equipment.
Drilling fluids, About 80% of the world's barium sulfate production, mostly purified mineral, is consumed as a component of oil well drilling fluid. It increases the density of the fluid, increasing the hydrostatic pressure in the well and reducing the chance of a blowout.
Radiocontrast agent, Main article: Barium sulfate suspension. Barium sulfate in suspension is frequently used medically as a radiocontrast agent for X-ray imaging and other diagnostic procedures. It is most often used in imaging of the GI tract during what is colloquially known as a "barium meal". It is administered orally, or by enema, as a suspension of fine particles in a thick milk like solution (often with sweetening and flavoring agents added). Although barium is a heavy metal, and its water-soluble compounds are often highly toxic, the low solubility of barium sulfate protects the patient from absorbing harmful amounts of the metal. Barium sulfate is also readily removed from the body, unlike Thorotrast, which it replaced. Due to the relatively high atomic number (Z = 56) of barium, its compounds absorb X-rays more strongly than compounds derived from lighter nuclei. Pigment, The majority of synthetic barium sulfate is used as a component of white pigment for paints. In oil paint, barium sulfate is almost transparent, and is used as a filler or to modify consistency. One major manufacturer of artists' oil paint sells "permanent white" that contains a mixture of titanium white pigment (TiO2) and barium sulfate. The combination of barium sulfate and zinc sulfide (ZnS) is the inorganic pigment called lithopone. In photography it is used as a coating for certain photographic papers.Paper brightener, A thin layer of barium sulfate called baryta is first coated on the base surface of most photographic paper to increase the reflectiveness of the image, with the first such paper introduced in 1884 in Germany. The light-sensitive silver halide emulsion is then coated over the baryta layer. The baryta coating limits the penetration of the emulsion into the fibers of the paper and makes the emulsion more even, resulting in more uniform blacks. (Further coatings may then be present for fixing and protection of the image.) More recently, baryta has been used to brighten papers intended for ink-jet printing.Plastics filler, Barium sulfate is commonly used as a filler for plastics to increase the density of the polymer in vibrational mass damping applications. In polypropylene and polystyrene plastics, it is used as a filler in proportions up to 70%. It has an effect of increasing acid and alkali resistance and opacity. Niche uses, Barium sulfate is used in soil testing. Tests for soil pH and other qualities of soil use colored indicators, and small particles (usually clay) from the soil can cloud the test mixture and make it hard to see the color of the indicator. Barium sulfate added to the mixture binds with these particles, making them heavier so they fall to the bottom, leaving a clearer solution. In colorimetry barium sulfate is used as a near-perfect diffuser when measuring light sources. In metal casting, the molds used are often coated with barium sulfate in order to prevent the molten metal from bonding with the mold. It is also used in brake linings, anacoustic foams, powder coatings, and root canal filling. Catalyst support, Barium sulfate is used as a catalyst support when selectively hydrogenating functional groups that are sensitive to over reduction. With a low surface area, the contact time of the substrate with the catalyst is shorter and thus selectivity is achieved. Palladium on barium sulfate is also used as a catalyst in the Rosenmund reduction. Pyrotechnics, As barium compounds emit a green light when burned, barium salts are often used in green pyrotechnic formulas, but the nitrate and chlorate salts are more common. Barium sulfate is commonly used as a component of "strobe" pyrotechnic compositions. Copper industry, As barium sulfate has high burning point and is insoluble in water, it is used as a coating material in casting of copper anode plates. The anode plates are cast in copper molds, so to avoid the contact of the liquid copper and the solid copper mold, a solution of barium sulfate in water is used as a coating material on the mold surface. Thus when the liquid copper solidifies in form of an anode plate it can be easily released from its mold. Radiometric measurements, Barium sulfate is sometimes used (or else PTFE) to coat the interior of integrating spheres due to the high reflectance of the material and near Lambertian characteristics. More information about Barium Sulphate Precipitated, please contact Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd. Thailand.